
Beast of Shadow

How Amazon Has Changed The Game

The modern era in which we live (and write!) is quite possibly the most connected generation. iPods, smart phones and the internet have given birth to possibly a newer breed of human who is generally more adapt to new technology, and the creation of such. Inventions like the Amazon Kindle eReader have even changed the world of literary arts like books and journals. With a vast amount of the younger generation being totally plugged-in, publishers had to start getting crafty with their ways to sell to the younger market. 

What is so revolutionary that changed the writing world forever?

I would have to say that the invention of the Amazon Kindle has been monumental in the world of authors and readers alike. An eReader is able to deliver a book at the readers hands for nearly 90-99% discounted price. Not only is it much cheaper to buy eBooks, but it can be downloaded instantly so within five minutes (depending on internet connection) a person can be wrapped up in a new novel. So now the book reading market is needing immediate satisfaction; a book that isn't presented in an online format may not be able to be as successful.

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What does this mean for authors nowadays?

Back in times before the Internet age, writers had to submit their works to a publishing company, wait six to eight weeks for their manuscript to be reviewed, and typically have their hopes crushed with a rejection letter. As often mentioned, rejection does NOT mean that the writing is bad. Many famous, successful authors were turned down many times before finally being given a chance. Lord Of The Flies was rejected about 20 times. Gone With The Wind was turned down 38 times before being put into print. Even Anne Frank's diary was denied published a whopping 15 times before it came into print! Think of what the world would have lost if her story hadn't been revealed to the world. Stephen King's novel Carrie was rejected by publishing companies 30 times.. Louisa Alcott, author of Little Women, was told to stick to teaching. Creator of The Jungle Book was told that he didn't know how to use the English language. Even the modern author, J.K. Rowling (author of the Harry Potter series) was rejected 12 times and told not bother quitting her day job. 

So you see that there are many great influential stories that could have never came to light had their authors given up. But with those who are inexperienced or lack confidence in their skills, they could have faded into legend with nothing to show. So what happens to those who are continuously rejected by publishing companies? Do they just let their works drop to the floor? Do they try to write something different? History doesn't seem to remember those who haven't been put into print... But now in this age, printed books hardly hold that much sway over others. With so many people reading online, it is quite easier, and cheaper to publish online. Thanks to who, you ask?


Amazon, who is the inventor of the Kindle, has made a revolutionary break in the publishing game! offers a service/option, that any person can publish their own works into print or online for FREE. Yes, that's right. People you know and random strangers can buy your books in actual printed versions, and as eBooks.

What does this mean to the modern author?

Plainly put, publishing companies aren't the deciders anymore. They no longer hold the pull over the book market. With anyone able to publish their works for no price and need no acceptance letter. So now, a person has their own writing career in their hands. A young author like me can publish my works, and as my skill improves, my fans can follow my books. Especially since the price of online or self-published books is significantly cheaper. So basically, all people are winners in this situation. Writers can contain momentum, and readers get a deal. 

Yeah, but can you actually become successful publishing through Amazon?

Why don't you ask these authors?

Click here to check out this novel.

Self published in 2002.
Click here to buy on Amazon.

Click here to buy on Amazon.

Self published, but not originally, on
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Every single one of these authors became well-known even when they were self-published. Does this mean their stories were not good because they chose not to go through a traditional publisher? I'd say not. Because every person has a story, and every reader a particular likes. Why not please both? Why not become an author, and who knows how far you may go?


Unknown said…
I read this article and while my own fiction writing schedule has been best described as uneven, I shall try the ebook option in the new year.
Unknown said…
Douglas Moore, I believe that is a good option. Amazon publishing allows you to have all the power of your writing career. No deadlines is a great thing for an independent author.

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