My Personal Struggle With Editing
I can't really say how long I've been working on edits, because honestly I don't keep track, but I know it's been a while. I've repeatedly read my story, over and over. Trying to prevent plot holes, work out character development. All that stuff. So now that I am in the edits of my last drafts, I am struggling towards the finish line. So that's why I'm going to say this.
I. Hate. Editing.
Yes, I know how important it is. And how much better the story is once it is edited one hundred, thousand times but I hate it. I hate every part of editing. I have to be over critical of every word I put into my novel, and even select new words that change the demographic audience of the novel. Even when a scene originally flowed well, but because of minor edits, the fluid motion is lost, I feel defeated. So I'll say it again.
I. Hate. Editing.
No person likes to hear their work ripped apart into a series of "why this?" and "change that"s but it's the system that creates great stories. And I'm not saying that I won't love my finished product when I'm done, because I probably will. But, in no way, shape, or form do I elect to do this. I do it because I have to. Just like everyone else says you have to do it. So I do. But...
I. Hate. Editing.
So while you all get to write about situation and form new characters and even add in some new romances, enjoy that time. Even savor it. Because once the edits come around, you are going to hate everything you wrote, you'll want to throw it all away, and never think about it again. Because guess what? You get to edit. And edit. And then edit some more.
This is my random thought of the day, and even a little bit of a rant. But now I plan on enjoying this wonderful, warm spring day before I get back to editing my book.
By the way, if you don't know what book I'm talking about, click here to read more on my upcoming novel.
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