Sherlock Hits Saint Louis!
Shirley Holmes was formed as an extension of Sherlock nearly six years ago, by a high school freshman's mind. Writing her story was a pet project to help me keep my sanity through the times. So slowly her life unfolded on the pages that I jotted chapters in every so often over the course of three years. There would be times where I wouldn't write in it for months, but when I'd pick up that pen, I'd write for hours at a time. The idea to publish her story hadn't crossed my mind until about two years ago when my fiance encouraged me to take it up as a goal. So, that's basically where my time was put into when I wasn't attending to my newborn son. If you were to ask him how many nights I stayed up late typing in that book, the answer would be staggering. Sherlock Holmes' life became an obsession, but more so a dedication. But before all of this, Shirley was just a tiny idea while I dove into a large book that outlines the life of the most famous detective the world has ever known: Sherlock.
My lovely grandma was excited to be seeing the exhibit of the man that inspired me to write a story. She was very proud. |
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